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All the alleys in PBNA are private alleys which means that the City does not have responsibility for maintaining the surface of the alleys. 


The alleys are open to public travel. 


The City uses the alleys for trash, recycling and yard waste pick up and emergency services as needed. 


The City will maintain the street lights as needed by request to 311. 


The alleys are on the City's plow list but they have low priority.


The sewers in the W Newton/Pembroke and Pembroke/West Brookline alleys are public sewers and are maintained by Boston Water Sewer Commission (BWSC).  Problems with the sewers or sinkholes in the alley should be referred to BWSC.


Regrading and/or paving of the alleys is at the discretion and expense of the abutters but must be properly engineered to meet City requirements for proper drainage

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