See Boston City website for the most up-to-date- information:
*Bag trash carefully & securely and leave behind your residence. No grocery or paper bags.
*Street corner locations on Warren, Tremont are for abutting residents only. If you abut the alley, please put trash behind your home.
Put trash and recycling out
Tuesday Pick-up: Monday after 5pm or Tuesday before 6am
Friday Pick-up: Thursday after 5pm or Friday before 6am
Early morning is best to minimize spilling and animals
Even if properly secured, some breakage/spillage will occur; Please be a good neighbor and help clean up, even if it's not yours.
Recycling: Use Clear Plastic bags. Blue bins are being phased out.
Do not include recyclables in trash bags. Scavengers will tear the bags open causing spillage.
Recycling Info:
Report violations to the Mayor’s 24 Hour Hotline: 617.635.4500